Love Field
tap gallery, october 2013

world premiere
On the morning of 22 November 1963, Lyndon Baines Johnson was languishing in the powerless and ceremonial position of the Vice President of the United States. He was the odd man out in the Kennedy administration, consistently ridiculed and despised by the Kennedys and their hangers-on. Jackie Kennedy was possibly the most powerful woman in the world, and her fierce intelligence and unique public persona had made the First Lady a position of glamour and influence.
And then all of a sudden Jack was dead, LBJ was President, and Jackie was unemployed and homeless. And these two people with nothing in common were on Air Force One, flying back to Washington. Love Field imagines how that extraordinary conversation might have gone down.
Written by Ron Elisha; Directed by Michael Dean; Lighting Design Christopher Page; Sound Design James Colla; Stage Manager Andrew McMartin; Producer Suzanne Millar
Cast Ben Wood; Lizzie Schebesta
“An elegant work with a dignified simplicity...”
“A production full of atmosphere and resonances... Lizzie Schebesta and Ben Wood deliver strong well-orchestrated performances... Love Field makes for engrossing theatre.”
“A theatrical confection, a fascinating non-typical Australian play... engaging, thought-provoking theatre.”
“Lizzie Schebesta and Ben Wood performed with so much power, conviction and passion... I was wholly impressed with this production.”
“A polished and thought-provoking play.”